Special Needs

Strategies to help students with special needs

Special needs resource folder

If you wish to contribute to this folder with resources that have worked for you, email me with "Special Needs Resource" in the subject line.

External resources:


Adapted from: https://www.ldatschool.ca/teaching-science-high-school/
  1. Summarization

    • summarize the text.

    • write one sentence that summarizes the main idea of the paragraph; finally, a few keywords in support of the main idea are recorded.

  2. Key word strategy

    • a type of mnemonic strategy, is suggested when students are learning new words

    • The teacher introduces a new word by first identifying a keyword that sounds similar to the word being taught and is easily represented by a picture or drawing, then;

    • The teacher creates a picture connecting words to be learned with its definition (Access Center, 2007).

  3. Guided reflection

    • help them to reflect on the topic of the lesson

    • student to construct their own learning and their own explanations of the scientific concepts covered in class

  4. Student discussion

    • students take turns reading a paragraph from a text. After each reading, the other students ask questions of the student who was responsible for reading the given paragraph

  5. Adapting materials and instruction

    • In order to encourage participation by students who are struggling the most, it may be a good idea to adapt the basic material to varying levels of difficulty

    • students work in small groups and that they are guided to achieve each level of the activity

Adapted from: https://education.cu-portland.edu/blog/classroom-resources/effective-teaching-strategies-for-special-education/
  • Short attention spans:

    • Set clear expectations

    • Break activity/task into smaller chunks

    • Include breaks between activities/tasks to allow students to refocus

    • Have well established routines that are carried out consistently

    • Use visual and auditory cues/reminders to help students change between activities/tasks

Adapted from: https://www.dyslexic.com/blog/helping-your-student-with-dyslexia-learn-5-strategies-to-rely-on/
  • Dyslexia:

    • Have multi-sensory lessons and activities

    • Let students use spell checkers

    • Use line readers

    • Coloured keyboards

    • Use a cloze procedure

    • Allow for extra time to complete tasks

Adapted from: https://www.teachthought.com/learning/8-strategies-to-improve-executive-functions-of-the-brain/
  • Executive functions of the brain:

    • Impulse control with "wait 5" or "wait 3" strategy

    • Flexible thinking with journal writing where student writes from other peoples perspectives (multiple perspectives)

    • Work Memory with memory games or apps

    • self-monitor with "stop & look" strategy where class intentionally spends 3 minutes being mindful

    • Students plan and prioritize activities. Make checklists.

    • Initiate tasks with daily prompts that have students brainstorm possible starting points

    • Practice organization with checklists, planners or apps