Population Dynamics


  • Population (density, distribution, biological cycles)

  • Describes the influence of biotic or abiotic factors on the biological cycles of a population (natality, mortality, immigration, emigration)

  • Defines a community as a group of populations that interact

  • Biodiversity – Defines the biodiversity of a community as the relative abundance of a species it comprises

  • Biodiversity – Explains factors that affect the biodiversity of a given community

  • Disturbances – Defines a disturbance in a community

  • Disturbances – Explains the effect of certain factors that disturb the ecological balance

  • Ecosystems – Defines an ecosystem as the relationships between the individuals in a community and abiotic factors in the environment

  • Trophic relationships – Describes the trophic levels (producers, consumers, decomposers)

  • Trophic relationships – Explains the relationships between the trophic levels of a food web

  • Primary productivity – Defines primary productivity as the quantity of organic matter produced by plants in a given territory

  • Primary productivity – Explains the effects of certain factors on primary productivity

  • Material and energy flow – Describes material and energy flow in an ecosystem

  • Chemical recycling – Describes certain processes underlying chemical recycling

Alternative Lab Report

The slides above have important teacher notes in the "speaker's notes" section. Click here to download a copy of the slide show.


You may use this lab to springboard into a discussion/study of genetics and adaptations. If you do, you may want to use this free PhET simulation on natural selection.