Secondary 4

Bank of Alternative assessment questions

These non-traditional assessment questions of rich tasks designed to reveal student misconceptions through collaborative or independent work. The assessment questions will be based on phenomena that require scientific knowledge and skills to interpret and explain. The assessment may be done online or as “paper and pencil”. Teachers may use the entire bank of questions and the associated media files or any part of it to augment their own assessment. Teachers will also receive an assessment guide to help them look for student misconceptions and address them before the end of the school year.

New - Sec 4 Course Companion Study App

Sec 4 - ST Lessons and Labs



Sec 4 - EST Labs and lessons




The above resource are were generously made available by:

  • Andea Venditti; a wonderful colleague who is always ready and willing to collaborate.

  • ...

If you wish to contribute resources to this community page, please email me.