New Living World Workshop 2020-21
This new take on the Curriculum Map Workshops compresses the old full-day workshops into a half-day one by distilling the most essential parts.
An emphasis is put on teaching with Big Science Ideas, students modelling puzzling phenomena and engaging in academic discourse.
You and your students will feel empowered during the guided scientific inquiry.
Capturing and engaging Imaginations with Powerful Science Demos 2020-21
Join JF Gilbert and Sam Altarac as we showcase some of our favourite demos.
We will explain how to find and use demos to engage students using the PEOE strategy both in person or online.
Click here for more resources.
By the end of this workshop you will...
know what are discrepant events
understand how leveraging the student's affective systems lends itself to better engagement
you'll be able to select an affective demo and use it to generate engagement for your lessons
Related topics include:
Learning Goals
Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Differentiation (""low-floor-high-ceiling"" Rick Tasks)
Flexible Teaching
Modelling Phenomena
Single-point rubrics and other excellent assessment strategies 2020-21
Join us to discuss useful and flexible assessment strategies such as the Single-Point Rubric, Hinge-Point-Questions, Science Talk-Moves and more.
By the end of this workshop you will...
know what these strategies look like in the classroom,
understand how they affect formative and summative assessments and
you'll be able to include these strategies in your lesson plans.
Related topics include:
Learning Goals
Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Differentiation (""low-floor-high-ceiling"" Rick Tasks)
Flexible Teaching
Modelling Phenomena
Teaching Science Online 2020-21
Join us to discuss how to transfer high-leverage teaching practices to an online setting.
An emphasis is put on teaching with Big Science Ideas, students modelling puzzling phenomena and engaging in academic discourse.
Desirable topics for conversation:
Lesson Planning
Academic Conversations Online
Rich Tasks
Formative Assessment
New Earth and space Workshop 2020-21
This new take on the Curriculum Map Workshops compresses the old full-day workshops into a half-day one by distilling the most essential parts.
An emphasis is put on teaching with Big Science Ideas, students modelling puzzling phenomena and engaging in academic discourse.
You and your students will feel empowered during the guided scientific inquiry.
New Material World Workshop 2020-21
This new take on the Curriculum Map Workshops compresses the old full-day workshops into a half-day one by distilling the most essential parts.
An emphasis is put on teaching with Big Science Ideas, students modelling puzzling phenomena and engaging in academic discourse.
You and your students will feel empowered during the guided scientific inquiry.
Previous Workshops
Here are the slides for the old ELEM curriculum map workshops. They are a trove of information, links to activities and resources you may want to use in your own lessons.
Here are the slides from the new teacher training sessions that I and others at PSD helped put together.